Instructions for candidates
The INMO 2025 exam is on Sunday, January 19, 2025. (Time: 12:00 - 16:30)
On Sunday, January 19, 2025 please reach your exam centre NO LATER THAN 11:30 AM. A candidate arriving at the exam centre after 12:30 PM WILL NOT be allowed to write INMO 2025.
No candidate shall be allowed to submit the answer booklet and leave the examination hall in the first one hour after the start of the exam and last 30 minutes before the exam concludes.
Please bring your school photo ID, Aadhaar Card/Passport and the hall ticket that you will download from the registration website to the exam centre on the day of the exam (Sunday, January 19, 2025).
Please bring a geometry toolbox with you to the exam centre. Note that you will be ALLOWED to use a RULER and COMPASSES. You will NOT BE ALLOWED to use a PROTRACTOR, a DIVIDER or a SET SQUARE.
Please bring your OWN pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners. Write legibly with a BLUE pen or a BLACK pen. Geometry diagrams should be neatly drawn with a PENCIL and properly labelled.
Use of CALCULATORS of any sort and in any form is STRICTLY NOT PERMITTED during the exam.
At the end of the exam please submit ONLY your answer book. You may retain the question paper.
To see past papers of INMO visit :
- Kindly retain your INMO 2025 admit card for any future reference, it can not be generated again.
Please note that giving false or misleading information may lead to disqualification at any stage of the Mathematical Olympiad Programme.