13-03-2020  Friday

10 January to 30 April, 2020

Advanced Topics in Cognition

Every Monday (10:00-12:00), Friday (10:00-12:00)

Venue: Main Building Seminar Room - 217

Coordinator: Prof. Sanjay Chandrasekharan and Shweta Anantharaman

Advanced Topics in Cognition


Public Talk on "Microaggressions, Sex, Sexuality and Gender" on the occasion of International Women's day celebration at HBCSE

Date: 13 March, 2020
Time: 16:00 - 17:30

Venue: V. G. Kulkarni Memorial Auditorium

Coordinator: Prof. Savita Ladage



Prof. A. Mani


Microaggressions are small, subtle, often subconscious actions that marginalize people in oppressed groups including women. Sue (1973) defined it as brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults. It can be argued that many microaggressions exist because the microaggressors do not understand the basic nature of associated macroaggression(s) and lack empathy.

Eventually microaggressions play a big role in defining regressive aspects of culture, social norms, and support systems for various types of macro aggression. Therefore they are important in the context of any feminist discourse that seeks to speak to the larger public. In this talk, I will consider the nature of a number of microaggressions that relate to sex, sexuality and gender, and possible methods of combating them. The connection of these with Dawkin's idea of the meme as a unit of cultural evolution will also be considered.

Since there are some concerns due to COVID 19, we are live streaming the talk tomorrow and hence those who cannot attend physically can benefit from the telecast. The live stream link for Prof. Mani's talk tomorrow is https://youtu.be/b2vLUHVMOH0