01-07-2021  Thursday


Thursday Seminar on "Can we teach interdisciplinarity?"

Date: 01 July, 2021
Time: 15:30 - 16:30

Venue: Online Meeting/Video Conferencing

Coordinator: Dr. Mashood K. K.


Prof. Mieke Boon

Abstract (in speaker's own words):

In this talk, I aim to explain some salient and challenging aspects of the recent article: Boon, M. (2020). “The role of disciplinary perspectives in an epistemology of scientific models.” European journal for philosophy of science, 10(3), [31]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13194-020-00295-9. You are invited to read this paper beforehand. First, I will ask whether you already have questions for clarification or discussion. You may, for example, find terms such as epistemology difficult to grasp. Then, I will discuss the paper by five questions: (1) What is scientific knowledge? (2) How does scientific knowledge – specifically, scientific models – represent aspects of the world? (3) How are scientific models constructed? (4) Why do different scientific disciplines construct different scientific models of ‘the same thing’? (5) What is a disciplinary perspective? Finally, I will present a case study in which the disciplinary perspectives of four experts taking part in developing a medical diagnostic technology are analyzed with the tool proposed in this article. You are invited to ask questions during this talk. After the talk, we can discuss what these ideas mean to you. You can think of questions to challenge yourself, such as: Do you have a perspective? Do you see perspectives of others? What does it mean to have a perspective? Is it possible to get rid of it?

Bio (in speaker's own words):

Currently, I am a full professor in ‘philosophy of science in practice.’ I am also the Dean of University College Twente, a bachelor program that combines social and engineering sciences, where students learn to work on complex societal problems: https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/bachelor/programmes/university-college-twente/. I am originally trained as a chemical engineer (MSc, cum laude), and specialized in biotechnology (PhD, cum laude). During my studies, I got interested in philosophy. First because I was wondering how I could take responsibility as a chemical engineer, later how to do high-quality and societally relevant scientific research. The latter question is in the domain of the philosophy of science. I also teach philosophy of science in engineering science programs at our university. I am particularly interested in how to promote academic and higher-order thinking skills in students. I like to work with students. Last year, a group of students and I studied the question of what it means to be human in the AI future (when machines think better and faster than we do). We created an exhibition about the theme in a museum, which you can watch here: https://research.utwente.nl/en/publications/ai-in-society-and-the-issue-of-human-dignity and here: https://tetem.nl/event/reflecties/

Zoom link:


Meeting ID:

940 5808 5713
